Since 1987 we give advice to domestic and foreign companies of all industries. We assist to increase profitability, improve processes and structures and we also help in cases of immediate turn around situations. Our assignments are effected within Projects and/or by Interim Management.

Banks and Saving Institutions Commercial banks, investment banks, federal state banks, saving banks, co-operative banks, private banks, special service banks
Financial Service Companies
Real estate, insurance, Leasing, investment fund management, sub-performing-loan-servicing
ManufacturingHeavy machinery, automotive, electronics, energy, pharmaceutical, textiles, recycling
Trade Retail chains, car accessories, material recycling
Information TechnologyBanking-IT, software providers, network providers
State Owned Institutions International organizations, state-owned financing institutions, health insurance, public utilities
Non-Profit Organizations Welfare institutions, retirement homes, automobile associations, pharmaceutical manufacturer owned by charity organization

Consulting Areas Detailed DescriptionsExamples of Projects
Strategy Development and Implemen­tationMarket and competition; strength and weakness; markt entry; strategic partners; etc.Internatio­nalization
Real Estate Management Investment in real estate; tenant strategy; financing; etc.Portfolio Management
Foreign MarketsCompetitors; strategic partners; situation of respective industry; staff; locations; etc.Bank in Kazakhstan
Improvement of Structure and Processes Responsi­biliies; processes; quality; satisfying market demands; IT-Improvemetns; etc.IT-Network Provider
Insurance Company
Controlling and Reporting Business segments; cost accounting; planning; plan versus actual analysis; reporting; etc.American Investment Company
Risk Management Cash flow; flow of information and material; safety; stress simulation; remedies etc.Improvement of Credit Worthiness
Turn Around Assesment of chances; liquidity; cost structure; balance strucutre and profitability; negotianons; etc.Heavy Machinery Manufacturer
Human Resource Management Structures; responsi­bilities; recruiting; development; personal review; etc.Restructuring Human Resource Management